Saturday, October 11, 2008

LYNDON LAROUCHE: THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE "greatest economist in the world."

Lately we've been seeing lots of stuff writen about LaRouche. Good stuff, bad stuff, crazy stuff. Positive, and also quite negative. Who is this man ? What does he represent? I have been reading his works since 1991, fairly constantly, and at different times I subscribed to Fidelio, which I enjoyed; The New Federalist, which I hated; and 21st Century Science and Technology, which had good things and bad things in it. I have admired LaRouche's energy and peculiar array of causes. One thing that troubled me is that everyone seems either to hate him or to love him. Why not a neutral site? Love him? Hate him? Comment.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I've had limited LaRouche experiences: in June of last year, I worked with the Youth Movement for awhile (about five weeks). I was initially drawn to the group because of the underlying goals of the group (opportunity for all, to put it very generally), and because I hadn't been active politically in awhile - because I became discouraged while working with other groups - but have great passion for it. So anyway, I've read a few different things by LaRouche, and discussed his ideas/the ideas of the movement quite a bit. I ended up leaving because I didn't agree philosophically with the work for my own life: but I can't yet say that I think what they're doing is effective or not, and whether or not I agree with everything LaRouche says (that's part of the reason I left). But yeah, since you've been reading LaRouche for awhile, I'd be interested in learning more of your take on him. Peace.